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Our Team

Meet our caring team at Evergreen and our Board of Directors.

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Abou us team

About Us

It takes many people to make Evergreen work. A combination of a diligent Board of Directors who oversee and set policy, a dedicated professional staff who keep the day to day running smoothly and who make sure the work that our outstanding volunteers are requested to do is safe and that they have the appropriate training. That’s the Evergreen Team!

Meet the Team

Board of Directors - Executive Committee Members

President and Chair:  Chris Collucci
Treasurer:  Andrew Salo
Secretary:  Ray Lai

Board of Directors - Members
Dr. Andrew Patterson
Jake Mitten 
Raymond Chan
Milko Strbac
Rev. Nicola Skinner
Laurie Lathem
Jessica Competiello

Evergreen Staff

Laura Lavallee - CEO »»  ext. 101
Betty Leung  –  Administrators  »»  ext. 105
Christine DiFede – Nursing and Intake Lead »» ext. 103
Tricia Stanton  –  Manager of Volunteers and Community Programs  »»  ext. 107

Bonnie Strand  –  Counsellor  »»  ext. 106
Asanda Cheung - Counsellor  
Rita Leung - Supportive Care Coordinator

Janet Chippin – Connection Cafe Coordinator
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